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Meet the presenters and speakers of our Annual Conference: Elevating Project Management Impact in a Changing World


Yianna Hormova


Hormova.jpgΗ Γιάννα Χορμόβα είναι διοικητικός επιστήμονας και εμπειρογνώμων δημόσιων πολιτικών. Διετέλεσε Γενική Γραμματέας Δημογραφικής και Οικογενειακής Πολιτικής και Ισότητας των Φύλων, υπηρέτησε ως διευθύντρια του Υφυπουργού Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης και ως Γενική Γραμματέας στον Δήμο Καρπενησίου. Έχει επίσης εργαστεί ως βοηθός επιμελήτρια στο Αshmolean Museum της Οξφόρδης. Είναι αριστούχος απόφοιτος της Εθνικής Σχολής Δημόσιας Διοίκησης και κάτοχος δύο μεταπτυχιακών τίτλων. Είναι υποψήφια Διδάκτωρ στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο.

Στη Δημόσια Υπηρεσία Απασχόλησης (Δ.ΥΠ.Α.) είναι αρμόδια για θέματα σχετικά με την περιουσία της ΔΥΠΑ, κινητή και ακίνητη, με τα προγράμματα και τις παροχές κοινωνικής προστασίας και στεγαστικής συνδρομής, τις τεχνικές υπηρεσίες και τα τεχνικά έργα της Δ.ΥΠ.Α, για θέματα σχετικά με τις ειδικές και ευπαθείς κοινωνικές ομάδες, την ένταξη και επανένταξη των γυναικών στην αγορά εργασίας, την εξισορρόπηση της επαγγελματικής και οικογενειακής ζωής, την καταπολέμηση των ανισοτήτων και τη συμπερίληψη των ως άνω ομάδων στην αγορά εργασίας, καθώς επίσης και για θέματα σχετικά με την επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση και μαθητεία, την αρχική και συνεχιζόμενη επαγγελματική κατάρτιση και τη λειτουργία των Μονάδων Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης της ΔΥΠΑ, την εύρυθμη και αποτελεσματική λειτουργία της Σχολής Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης ΑμεΑ στην Αθήνα, του Εκπαιδευτικού Κέντρου Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης Εφήβων και Νέων με Ειδικές Ανάγκες Θεσσαλονίκης (Ε.Κ.Ε.Κ. ΑμεΑ Θεσσαλονίκης) και των Βρεφονηπιακών Σταθμών της Δ.ΥΠ.Α.



Giannis Papadopoulos


With over 25 years of experience in the private equity and venture capital industry in Greece, Giannis has been involved in more than 20 investments, achieving successful exits, IPOs, M&A’s and co-investments, managing more than €300m in total investments. He is a co-founder and Senior Partner of EOS Capital Partners.

Prior to his current role, Giannis was the co-founder and CEO of Attica Ventures, a venture capital investment firm that invested in Greek SMEs. In the context of his decades-long presence in the investment market, Giannis has acquired specialized experience in mergers and acquisitions, business development, reorganization and implementation of large investment projects.

He has served on more than 20 BoDs of public entities, investment companies, and public organizations. (DEPA S.A 2019-2024, Hellenic Development Bank 2012-2015, Public Power Corporation 2009, HPPC 2007-2009, ISAP 2004-2007). From 2001 to 2013, he was an elected member of the Technical Chamber of Greece BoD. In 2011 he was awarded with the Employment Growth Award by the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry for his long-term investment presence and contribution to the creation of new jobs.

Today Giannis is also Chairman of DEPA International Projects S.A and holds positions as non-Executive Board Member in prominent companies.

He is the Chairman of the Hellenic Association of Venture Capital (HVCA), a member of the Advisory Committee of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, as well as a member of the Business Advisory Council of the MBA International of the Athens University of Economics and Business.

He holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization
in Production Engineering and Management (National Technical University of Athens), as well as an MBA from the Bayes Business School London (ex-Cass).


Ioannis Chatjigeorgiou


chatzigeorgiou.jpgΟ Ιωάννης Κ. Χατζηγεωργίου είναι ο Πρύτανης του Εθνικού Μετσόβιου Πολυτεχνείου (ΕΜΠ) από τον Νοέμβριο του 2023. Υπηρέτησε ως Αντιπρύτανης Έρευνας και Διά Βίου Εκπαίδευσης του ΕΜΠ το διάστημα 2019 – 2023.

Αποφοίτησε από τη Σχολή Ναυπηγών Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών (ΣΝΜΜ) του ΕΜΠ το 1990 και έλαβε το Διδακτορικό του Δίπλωμα από την ίδια Σχολή το 1997. Από το 2001 είναι μέλος ΔΕΠ της ΣΝΜΜ και διήλθε όλων των ακαδημαϊκών βαθμίδων μέχρι την εκλογή του στη Βαθμίδα του Καθηγητή τον Αύγουστο του 2016.

Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα περιλαμβάνουν προβλήματα υδροδυναμικών αλληλεπιδράσεων με κατασκευές, αντικείμενα αναλυτικής υδροδυναμικής με εφαρμογές σε φαινόμενα βίαιων κυματικών προσκρούσεων και θέματα μη γραμμικής δυναμικής με εφαρμογές στις θαλάσσιες κατασκευές.


Angeliki Oikonomou



Angeliki is a graduate of Athens University of Economics and Business with a BSc in Business Administration.

She has extensive professional experience of over 40 years in positions of responsibility in the food industry, in companies such as DELTA S.A, VIVARTIA S.A, CHIPITA S.A, NIKAS S.A.

During her professional career she has undertaken and successfully completed
many management roles and projects, across the full range of business functions.

She has served as President of the Association of Greek Meat Processing Industries (SEVEK), Treasurer of the Board of Directors of SEVT, Member of SEV, and EASE.


Lampros Bisalas



Lampros Bisalas is the Group Chief Executive Officer of Sunlight Group since April 2020. He also serves as Executive Director of the Sunlight Group Board of Directors since 2017. Lampros has risen through the ranks at Sunlight, carrying extensive experience of the company and its business operations around the world.

Since 2008, he has served in various financial, business transformation, sales and business development divisions – both in the parent company and its subsidiaries. Prior to being appointed CEO, he was Sunlight’s CCO, leading critical areas around sales, business development and product management. He played a key role in the accelerated development of innovative products in lithium technologies.
Lampros Bisalas holds a BSc in Business Administration from Panteion University, (Greece) and an Executive MBA from IMD Business School (Switzerland). He has graduated from Harvard’s Business School and MIT‘s Sloan School of Management (USA) Advanced Management Programs (AMP), and has attended several Leadership, Pricing, Innovation, ESG and Strategy focused courses at IMD and Wharton (USA) Business Schools.


Dimitris Dimitriou


annual-conference-2nd-(1).jpgDimitris Dimitriou was born in Athens and graduated from the School of Architecture of the University of Rome. Since 1981, he has been working as a freelancer mainly in the field of private projects. Since 1988, he has been the President and Managing Director of the technical company D. DIMITRIOU S.A..

Meanwhile, since 2002, he has been an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) and currently holds the position of Secretary General. He participates as an advisor in committees of the Technical Chamber of Greece and the Association of Greek Architects.

His activities also include the provision of technical and investment advice to many companies in Greece and abroad on construction issues, development of tourist complexes and real estate projects.

Since January 2012, he has been an advisor to the Secretary General of Public Property at the Ministry of Finance and since February 2013, Head of the Hellinikon Office, which was established at the same Ministry with the aim of coordinating the implementation of the investment in the old Hellinikon airport.

From December 2014 to July 2015, he was President and CEO of the Public Property Company. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors).


George Kefalogiannis 


George Kefalogiannis is the co-founder and Partner at Intellectica, as well as the Director of the Consulting department of the company, which provides strategic financial and recruitment services, to leading companies in Greece and abroad. Prior to founding Intellectica, he worked in London in the field of financial derivatives at American banks J.P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley, as well as at IHS Markit. He is a graduate of Imperial College London with a Master’s in Financial Engineering, as well as of the Accounting and Finance department of the Athens University of Economics and Business.George Kefalogiannis is the co-founder and Partner at Intellectica, as well as the Director of the Consulting department of the company, which provides strategic financial and recruitment services, to leading companies in Greece and abroad. Prior to founding Intellectica, he worked in London in the field of financial derivatives at American banks J.P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley, as well as at IHS Markit. He is a graduate of Imperial College London with a Master’s in Financial Engineering, as well as of the Accounting and Finance department of the Athens University of Economics and Business.


Ioannis Xanthopoulos


xanthopoulos.jpgloannis is a real estate investment management executive with experience in cross-border investments and hands-on asset and development management. He is the founder of 2325 Holdings, providing custom investment and asset management services and advice to family offices and institutional investors. Before 2325, loannis co-founded and managed Livewise, an institutional-grade residential development platform in Greece. He has also practiced investment management for institutional investors in cross-border investments and development in Central Eastern Europe for more than ten years.

loannis holds a Master of Science in Real Estate - International Real Estate Markets from New York University and a Bachelor's Degree in International and European Economic Studies from Athens University of Economics and Business, a Harvard Business School Online Leadership Certificate. He is a Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) and chaired the Advisory Board of RICS in Greece between 2020 and 2023.


Alexandros Ziomas



Alexandros joined Athens International Airport in 2016 and holds the position of Director of the Information Technology & Telecommunications Business Unit.
With 26 years of experience in the aviation, banking and insurance sectors, as well as in renowned organizations such as HSBC and Allianz, he has led digital transformation projects, managed new business ventures, development activities, and projects aligned with strategy, available and emerging technologies, and market trends.
He is driven by a strong focus on innovation, the application of new technologies, and the ongoing upgrading of infrastructure, with the main goal of enhancing competitiveness and improving the experience of both internal stakeholders and passengers.


Dimitris Dimitriadis


Dimitris is devoted to ‘exploring’ the future and spotting the trends and technologies  that are shaping our world. 


He is a futurist and expert in designing companies for the Future. With a captivating blend of case studies, global perspectives, and cutting-edge research. He is also a researcher for the Special Secretary of Strategic Foresight at the Presidency of the Greek Government.
He is the author of the book "2049 – A Hopeful Perspective on the Futures of Humanity" from KEY BOOKS Publishing, which encourages us to embrace uncertainty as a necessary condition for progress.

As a public speaker on mega trends and weak signals, he gives his audience an optimistic, yet down-to-earth take on the future and how technologies disrupt everything we do. On the stage of conferences and future labs for brands such as L'Oréal Paris, AstraZeneca and Philip Morris International. Institutions such as European Commission, European Labour Authority (ELA), European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), Center of European Perspective and many more, Dimitris answers the big and smaller questions that will define humanity: how do exponential technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Virtual Reality, merge together and shape our world?

As a specialist in AI-powered transformation and the Metaverse, Dimitris's work has been featured in publications such as Herald Tribune, Fortune, Athens Voice, Kathimerini etc. His unique ability to bridge the worlds of disruptive technology and business leadership allows him to translate deep tech into practical recommendations that help leaders seize new opportunities, transform their organizations, and change their own thinking.

Penny Kontogeorgou


Penny is a technology, Science and Innovations Lawyer, M. Partner at ZK Law Firm, a Legal 500 TMT ranked Law Firm for years with an international reach and recognition. Her private law practice spans over 25 years with a focus on supporting technology and innovations driven Businesses across all industries and sectors, shaping their business in the digital era.

She has proven record in implementing Digital Transformation strategies both in private and public sector, large scale IT and Cybersecurity Projects, and a strong legacy in shaping the e-Commerce and Ad tech ecosystems, while she has also participated in several regulatory compliance Projects, including e-Payments licensing, GDPR and AI Compliance. Penny is very active in the Startup ecosystem and her expertise also extends to fostering the global growth of numerous innovative Startups.

Specializing in cutting-edge Technologies 4.0, Penny advises disruptors on AI, IoT, VR, AR, blockchain, NFTs, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance (DeFi) technologies. Her clientele spans a wide spectrum, from agile startups to multinational corporations in sectors such as retail, platforms, fintech, adtech, biotech, foodtech, healthtech, oil and gas, shipping, travel and tourism, and venture investments.

Penny is involved in the deep tech and science ecosystem, both in Greece and internationally and is supporting spin-offs and deep tech Startups. She serves as an advisory member for The Tech Transfer and Innovation Offices of prestigious research centers and universities, including Democritos (NCSR) and the American College of Greece (ACG). She is also a founding member of the NPO Science to Business.

A contributor to law-making initiatives for emerging technologies, a lecturer in e-Commerce Law of the LLM of Universite Catholique de Lille, a guest lecturer, speaker and trainer at national and international conferences, including engagements at the University of Economics, Aegean University, and Michigan University. She is an active member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), the Greek E-Commerce Association (GR.EC.A), and a mentor with organizations such as ELTRUN, ACEIN, Orange Grove, Women on Top.



Christos Rizos

Christos Rizos is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Software & ICT Solutions at Intracomrizos.jpg Telecom, with over 25 years of expertise in leading-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud innovation.

Renowned for his ability to drive strategic product development and foster market-leading solutions, Christos manages multidisciplinary teams and spearheads transformative projects across diverse industries such as telecom, banking, energy, and public sectors.

A dynamic leader and accomplished public speaker, he combines technical acumen with visionary leadership to deliver impactful results.



Elisabeth Calbari


Elisabeth is a corporate neuropsychologist, consultant, TEDx keynote speaker and author, specializing in the integration of neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral sciences to transform performance across diverse settings.

As an award-winning program designer, Elisabeth brings over 20 years of expertise in creating innovative solutions that combine neuroscientific insights with leadership development.

Elisabeth is the creator of the B.R.A.I.N. model, a neuroscience-based methodology, an innovative approach in helping organizations implement cultural transformations, manage mergers, and develop emotionally intelligent leadership teams.

In addition to her consultancy work, Elisabeth is the founder of Self Balance, a company specializing in learning and development solutions.


Fotini Georgoulia


Foteini Georgoulia is the Managing Partner of Zelos Effective Solutions, a distinguished company offering innovative traininggeorgoulia.jpg and consulting solutions in Human Resources, project management, and organizational development.

With extensive experience in Project Management and HR, she has successfully managed projects that focus on building corporate culture and driving corporate transformation.

Her commitment to developing leadership and resilience within organizations has established her as a prominent voice in HR and professional training, with a central focus on sustainable growth and creating value for her clients.

Through strategic planning, talent development, and the empowerment of corporate culture, she has supported numerous organizations in addressing the challenges of a rapidly changing business landscape.



Konstantinos Kirytopoulos 


annual-conference-(3).jpgKonstantinos is a Professor of Project and Risk Management at the School of Mechanical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens and an Adjunct Professor at the University of South Australia.

He holds a PhD in Project Risk Management attained at the National Technical University of Athens and an Integrated Masters in Mechanical Engineering attained at the same University. He also holds the business qualification PMP® from the Project Management Institute.

He serves as representative-subject matter expert of ELOT/Greece at ISO TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management.
In cooperation with his colleagues from Academia and Industry, Prof. Kirytopoulos works mainly on project and risk management. He is an active researcher - principal investigator and provides consulting services in project management and risk management.

He co-authored almost 200 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and conferences mostly around risk and project management, led 7 PhD students and more than 150 postgraduate and undergraduate Theses to successful completion in Greece, Portugal, France and Australia.

Favourite motto: Risks are there… be aware!


Vaios Lainas


Vaios Lainas serves as the Projects Department Manager in Group Engineering & Technology / Technical Projects at Titan

Cement Company SA. With over twenty-one years of experience in project management and engineering, predominantly within the Cement and FMCG industries, he has overseen a diverse array of projects. One of the standout achievements in his career has been the adaptation and implementation of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) methodology, which has significantly enhanced both the efficiency and outcomes of the projects under his management.

He also has international work experience, particularly within Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean, and he has collaborated with companies across Western Europe and Asia, including India and China.

He holds a BSc and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and a MSc in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick.


Nikos Koumettis



Nikos is the President of the Europe Operating Unit at The Coca-Cola Company, where he oversees 40 countries. During his tenure, Europe OU won the two most prestigious awards within The Coca-Cola Company: the Woodruff Cup for being the best performing business unit within the company’s global operations, and the Candler Cup, which recognized the Greece & Cyprus BU for demonstrating superior execution in various performance metrics, including sales growth, market share, operational efficiency, and overall contribution to the success of the Coca-Cola brand.

Nikos joined Coca-Cola in 2001 as General Manager for Greece and Cyprus, and since then, has built a wealth of experience in several international roles, including President of the Adriatic and the Balkans, President of Southeast Europe, President of the Canada Business Unit and President of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

He began his career in Marketing and Sales, working for Kraft Jacobs Suchard, Elgeka and Papastratos / Phillip Morris. Nikos is Chair of the Board for Société BIC since 2022, Vice Chair of the board of trustees of the American College of Greece and a member of the Board of Directors of Canada Goose International.

He holds a Master of Science degree in International Marketing from Strathclyde Business School and a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the American College of Greece. Nikos is also passionate about youth empowerment. He is the co-founder – together with Global Shapers (Athens Hub) – of the social initiative ‘Regeneration’ which aims to strengthen the skills of young people in Greece and place talented graduates in the labor market.


Antonis Politis


annual-conference-2nd-(1).jpegAntonis Politis is a student at the Athens University of Economics and Business. At just 20 years old, he founded Givelink, an impact-driven business that is transforming the landscape of philanthropy.

The company has been recognized as the best student startup in Greece and one of the top four in Europe. Additionally, Antonis and his team were featured on the Greek edition of Forbes 30 Under 30.


Panos Konstantinidis



Panos Konstantinidis is a social impact entrepreneur focused on retail-tech and inclusion-tech innovation, with a Ph.D. in Applied Thermodynamics.

As the Co-founder and CEO of Evenly (2022-present), he leads a pioneering communication platform that enables seamless communication and interaction for people with hearing disabilities, language differences, and age-related challenges.

Through Valuelenz (2018-present) and Skymakers (2013-present), he enriches shopping experiences and optimizes customer value through omni-context technologies.

With over 25 years of entrepreneurial experience, Panos continues to pioneer technology solutions that enhance accessibility, transform customer experiences, and drive business optimization.


Makis Spyratos


annual-conference-2nd-(3).jpgMakis is the CEO of missionX AI, a company he co-founded six years ago to explore and try to shape the inevitable AI singularity in organizational management.

He earned a BA in Economics from the University of Guelph in Canada and spent almost 20 years consulting for companies like KPMG, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, SAIC, The Coca-Cola Company, and numerous startups and agencies. He was a key figure in leading the design and development of major transformation projects.

Makis has lived and worked in five countries and eight cities, spending much of his time in New York and London. He now resides in Patras, Greece, where he focuses on his two biggest passions: his family and missionX.


George Pavlakos


pavlakos.jpgGiorgos Pavlakos has been active in the field of Human Resources for over 20 years, which has gained him knowledge and experience in sectors such as consulting, banking, fast-moving consumer goods and energy. In late 2023, he was appointed as the director in charge of Human Resources issues at the Growthfund - both for the parent company and for its subsidiaries - which employs a total of 11,000 employees.

He has obtained his undergraduate degree and MBA from the Athens University of Economics and Business and has received certifications in human resources (SHRM-SCP) and coaching (EMCC). With significant experience in acquisitions-mergers and transformation projects, he believes that HR should operate both as human-centric and technocratic, contributing to the achievement of corporate strategic goals through the empowerment, motivation and engagement of the people.


Ioannis Bitzis

Ioannis Bitzis is a Partner at EY-Parthenon, leading the non-FS team in Greece, focusing on transport & logistics, infrastructureBitzis.jpg & real estate, smart cities, public sector, life sciences, telco, utilities, green transition, and sustainability. With over 9,000 multidisciplinary professionals in teams across 120 countries, EY-Parthenon has created a unique, world-class strategy practice that helps clients, CEOs, Ministers, and leaders create long-term value and growth, from actionable strategy to transaction and execution. EY-Parthenon’s strategic guidance is based on deep industry knowledge, broad experience, and analytical tools that enable success.

Ioannis is a seasoned strategist and consulting practitioner with more than 27 years of solid experience, leading complex international engagements and greenfield mega-projects in Europe, Saudi Arabia, and the broader MENA region.

He also leads Sustainability and ESG at EY-Parthenon, helping private equities and C-suite executives create long-term sustainability and ESG value through efficient strategy development, M&A, efficient capital allocation, and portfolio optimization. Additionally, he has succeeded in assuming leading roles and developing new practices and teams within global strategy consulting and advisory firms, working on top projects with a multi-billion-dollar value.

Ioannis has delivered the entire lifecycle of a large number of top regional engagements in challenging environments, in both the private and public sectors. He has supported the decision-making process in strategy and business planning, strategic acquisitions, value creation and synergies realization, business transformation, post-merger integrations, carve-outs, long-term value building, joint ventures, and the completion of complex transactions. He has closed over 30 transactions, with a value of more than ca. €25 billion.

He holds an MBA with a major in Finance and Strategy from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management (ULB) in Belgium. He has a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from the Solvay Business School at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He also holds an MSc in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (Licensed Chartered Engineer).


Evangelos Fragakis


1737626925504.jpgEvangelos Fragakis graduated from the Department of Technological Mechanical Engineering in Chalkida and became a police officer. He served at A.T. Exarchion from 1999 to 2006 and then became the personal bodyguard of Dodecanese Member of Parliament and Professor of Cardiology Dimitris Kremastinos from 2006 to 2016. In 2019, he founded the faction "In Chalki and Alimia with love and vision" and was elected Mayor of Chalki, also becoming President of AN.DO Development Dodecanese. He was re-elected as Mayor in 2023. Fragakis has been an active member of the Chalki Sports Club since 2006 and has a strong interest in literature and poetry, giving numerous speeches at pan-European and global conferences. His efforts have earned him several honors, including the OTA Award in 2023, where he was named the best Mayor of Greece for the 2019-2023 period. He has received additional awards for his contributions to the community and development of Chalki. One of his significant initiatives is the GR-eco Island program, which made Chalki the first island in Greece to be declared a GR-eco Island, promoting sustainable tourism and environmental protection. In summary, Evangelos Fragakis is an active and multi-talented man with a vision for the development of his island. His love for Chalki, his experience in local government and the many awards he has received make him one of the most important mayors of the country


Michael E. Sfakianakis


sfakianakis.jpgMichael E. Sfakianakis has had a distinguished career spanning academia, research and administration. He has been a Professor of Informatics Applications and Statistics in Business Administration at the University of Piraeus since 2000. Prior to this, he held various important research and academic roles. From 1995 to 2000, he worked as a Scientific Researcher in the field of "Econometrics" at the Center for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE). Between 1993 and 2000, he served as a Special Scientist in the Department of Statistics at the Athens University of Economics and Business. Additionally, from 1991 to 1994, he was a Special Scientist in both the Department of Statistics and Operations Research and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Athens.

Sfakianakis' teaching career includes delivering over 30 undergraduate and 20 postgraduate courses at prestigious institutions, such as the University of Athens, Athens University of Economics and Business, and the University of Piraeus. He is the author of eight books in the fields of Applied Statistics, Computer Science, Data Analysis and Management, Business Simulations, and Forecasting Methodology and has published more than 120 scientific articles in leading international journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Since 2006, he has been a member of the Editorial Review Board of the international journal Advances in Doctoral Research in Management and is a reviewer for 12 international journals.

His scientific and administrative contributions are equally remarkable. Since 2022, he has served as Rector of the University of Piraeus. From 2017 to 2022, he was Dean of the School of Economics, Business and International Studies at the University of Piraeus and he was the President of the Department of Organization and Management there from 2013 to 2017. His service extends beyond academia, as he was a member of the European Advisory Committee on Economic and Social Affairs, selected by the European Commission for a four-year term starting in 2005. He was also member, after selection of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) by decision of 20.01.2009, of the Steering Committee for the Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies.

In addition, he held significant leadership roles in national organizations, such as President of the Central Supervisory Board of the General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI.) from 2011 to 2016. During his tenure, he oversaw the creation and launch of the One Stop Shop in April 2011, which was a key requirement of the Memorandum. Sfakianakis has been serving as the Alternate President of the Hellenic Agency for Health Quality Assurance (ODIPY) since 2020. Additionally,Sfakianakis was a full member of the National Telecommunications and Post Commission from December 2013 to December 2017. From 2015 until December 2017, he also served as President of the Caretaker Council of H.E.T.T. His leadership also extends to the Tourism Observatory, where he has been President since 2014 and to the monitoring of the "Satellite Tourism Accounts and Tourism Observatory" project, in collaboration with the Bank of Greece and the Hellenic Statistical Service.

Furthermore, he has held numerous influential positions across various public and private sector organizations. He was a full member of the Single Independent Authority for Public Procurement from May 2012 to October 2013. From February 2008 to August 2010, he served as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of e-Government Social Security (IDIKA) SA. Additionally, he was President of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Review Committee of the National Statistical Service of Greece (NSSG) based on the year 2005 and a member of the CPI Advisory Committee from 2004 to 2010.

In a collaborative research project with four other researchers from Athens University of Economics and Business, the University of Crete and KEPE, Sfakianakis was responsible for forecasting quantitative data and statistical series for the "Sources of Economic History of Modern Greece: Quantitative Data and Statistical Series, 1830-1939," a study published jointly by the National Bank of Greece and KEPE in 2007. He also played a key role in an economic and technical working group commissioned by KEPE and the Ministry of National Economy, where he contributed to research on "Industrial Restructuring and Employment" in the field of productivity analysis and the development of an "early warning system" for anticipating issues in business and industry. This research was presented in 2000 at three consecutive meetings of the Council of Economic Experts (SOE).

As a Scientific Advisor for the Hellenic Observatory for the Information Society, Sfakianakis was also the author of the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the study on the measurement of e-Europe indicators, which was implemented in 2005. His expertise has been sought as an evaluator for investment projects of the European Commission, and he has served as a project manager in both public and private sector research programs and studies. Furthermore, he has evaluated the Information Society, participating in financial and technical committees for public sector bodies.

In his academic role, Sfakianakis has been President of the Environmental Committee of the University of Piraeus since 2007, and he has also been a member of the Senate during the academic year 2002-2003 and since September 2012. His extensive contributions to research, public service, and academia highlight his wide-ranging expertise and dedication to improving both academic institutions and public administration.

Sfakianakis' excellence has been recognized through various awards, including from the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce for his role in implementing the General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI.) and the One Stop Shop. He is currently serving as the General Chair for the 15th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems, and Applications (IISA 2024), where he is recognized as a distinguished researcher in the fields of informatics, computer science, and artificial intelligence.


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