28 Αυγούστου 2019
Hot Topics In Project Management
Gateway Reviews
- Gateway Review Process information page of the The Victorian Government. The Gateway Review Process (GRP) is part of the Victorian Governments Gateway Initiative to improve infrastructure and ICT project development and delivery across government. The aim of the GRP is to help Government Departments and Agencies ensure that their investment is well spent, meets business and governments strategic objectives and achieves value-for-money outcomes.
- The Office of Government Commerce (UK) GC Gateway Process examines a programme or project at critical stages in its lifecycle to provide assurance that it can progress successfully to the next stage; the process is based on well-proven techniques that lead to more effective delivery of benefits together with more predictable costs and outcomes. It is designed to be applied to delivery programmes and procurement projects, including those that procure services, property/construction, IT-enabled business change and procurements using framework contracts.
- Gateway reviews as described by 4PS, the UK’s local government project delivery specialist, which works in partnership with all local authorities to secure funding and accelerate the development, procurement and implementation of PFI schemes, public private partnerships, complex projects and programmes.
Earned Schedule Management (ESM)
http://www.earnedschedule.com/Home.shtml –
Earned Value Management (EVM) is a management system, integrating in cost …schedule …and technical performance. EVM measures schedule performance not in units of time, but rather in cost, i.e. dollars.
- PRINCE2 (UK) – “the official PRINCE2 site”
- PRINCE2.com – “Europe’s leading PRINCE2 site”
- PRINCE2 Guided Tour – check out components, processes & techniques (from Project Performance, UK)
- The Crazy Colour PRINCE2 Resource – Check out the “Crazy Colour PRINCE2 process map”
- PRINCE2 Books Listing
- P2UG: The International Prince2 User Forum and Group – excellent portal for all things Prince2!
- PRINCE2 Wikipedia Entry – very detailed entry with lots of links
Knowledge Management
- KM Network – “Instant Intelligence for Business, Information, Technology and Knowledge Management”
- Knowledge Management Research Centre
- The Knowledge Management Resource Center
- Knowledge Management and Project Management (AIPM Bibliography, March 2004)
Chaos and Complexity Theory, Cynefin
- Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Complexity Science – an excellent overview
- Complexity, Complex Systems and Chaos Theory – a good site to immerse yourself in chaos and find out more about it…
- Chaos and Complexity in Project Management (AIPM Bibliography, March 2004)
- Extreme CHAOS Report (The Standish Group, 2001) – Excellent report looking at ways of achieving success in IT Projects
- The ‘temporary knowledge organisation’ as viewed from a complexity perspective (Kim Sbarcea) New
Program Management
- The Programme Management Website (UK)
- Program Management Bibliography from above website (NB AIPM can ONLY provide articles from International Journal of Project Management and Project Management Journal)
- Program Management & Project Management (AIPM Bibliography, March 2004)
- UK Office of Government Commerce (OGC) – Projects and Programmes Page
- What is Programme Management? (OGC)
- OGC Successful Delivery Toolkit (checklist of organisational learning and maturity)
- “Managing Successful Programmes – Delivering Business Change in Multi-Project Environments” (OGC, 2003)
- PMI Program Management Office SIG
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