The WHO and the HOW of achieving high-performance teamwork with Nick Fewing

Ways of Working

Research suggests that only 10% of teams are high-performing, 50% are average and 40% dysfunctional.  Nick Fewings, author of best seller, Team Lead Succeed, will share some of his insights into how to achieve high-performance teamwork, based on his 10 years’ experience of leading teams and 20 years facilitating team development with teams around the world.

Nick FewingsNick Fewings, Director of Ngagementworks, calls himself a Teamworkologist, someone who specialises in the study of the dynamics of teamwork, using this knowledge, to help teams become more effective. After a 20-year career in banking, working his way up from a cashier to a project leader, and finally a change director, Nick has spent two decades, developing teams across the globe, encouraging, facilitating, and helping them to make a positive difference to the effectiveness of their teamwork. During this period, he has profiled thousands of individuals and worked with hundreds of teams. Nick is also the creator of the Team DyNAmics Model that measures overall team effectiveness and effectiveness across 16 areas of teamwork, important in helping to achieve high-performance. When not working with teams, he is also a highly regarded, award winning keynote conference speaker and to date, has spoken at over 500 conferences worldwide, including PMI Singapore and PMI Indonesia. In March 2022, Nick published his first book, Team Lead Succeed, which has become a best seller on Amazon and has been accepted for the prestigious UK Business Book Awards 2023, for books published in 2022.

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Δεν είναι πλέον δυνατή η εγγραφή σε αυτήν την εκδήλωση


Τύπος κατηγορίας: Γενικές εκδηλώσεις

Είδος δραστηριότητας: Ways of Working

Ημερομηνία: 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Ωρα: 19:00 με 20:00

PDUs: 1


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