Flexible Authencity: A Leadership Essential


About the event:

Attendees will learn the crucial skill of adapting their leadership style to achieve the results they desire. Leadership and behavioral expert, Spencer Horn, will delve into various leadership styles. He’ll show us how to overcome our rigid view of authenticity by embracing our own discomfort, to effectively use weaknesses in many circumstances. Attendees will also discover how to navigate new promotions, receive feedback, and self-advocate, all while staying true to their values! This fascinating topic will provide valuable insights. This is a must-attend event for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills.



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Spencer Horn

Businesses globally look to Spencer as an enthusiastic, insightful source for counsel and advice on developing productive and focused corporate cultures. Spencer draws upon his 31 years of executive experience to reenergize seasoned and emerging professionals and increase organizational effectiveness. He inspires change, to develop: a powerful culture, effective communication, high-performing teams, and engagement.

Spencer is the President of Altium Leadership. He has previously been the CEO of a leadership development company and Vice President of a NASDAQ company, which developed IMAX theaters in tourist destinations. There he worked with major organizations such as IMAX Corp., National Geographic Television, Radio City Productions, Disney Films and more. He has been speaking professionally since 2009. He has been speaking and presenting at PMI chapter development conferences since 2010 and has been a regular speaker at the PMI Leadership Institute Meeting (LIM) North America Conference, since 2014 and the closing keynote speaker of LIM AP & NA 2021. He is speaking again at LIM 2023. He is consistently one of the highest rated speakers for the yearlong, PMI Leadership Institute Master Class (LIMC) since 2015.
He is a co-author of the "Speakers on Life" anthology "The Power of the Platform" along with Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Brian Tracy and more. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in political science and a master of science degree in economics from the University of Utah. He is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) with the National Speakers Association, a designation which less than 17% of NSA speakers and 6% of speakers worldwide achieve. He is a Certified Team Performance Coach (CTPC) and facilitator through Team Coaching International and a certified Professional Dynametric Programs trainer and administrator through PDP Global. Spencer has been married to his amazing wife, Jana, for more than 36 years. She is his partner and COO of Altium Leadership. Together they have five beautiful children and six grandchildren.


Looking forward to seeing you!

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Δεν είναι πλέον δυνατή η εγγραφή σε αυτήν την εκδήλωση


Τύπος κατηγορίας: Workshop

Ημερομηνία: 26 Απριλίου 2023

Ωρα: 19:00 με 20:00

PDUs: 0


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