Two things about project planning that ALL of the books have got wrong - and better ways to do them

PMI Greece Chapter organizes a virtual event called “Two things about project planning that ALL of the books have got wrong - and better ways to do them” by Chris Croft.


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21 JUNE 2023 | 19:00 | 1 PDU
PMI® Greece Chapter 2023


Chris Croft has come from an Engineering background with a Master's degree from Cambridge University, qualifying as a Chartered Engineer, and working as a senior manager in manufacturing for 10 years. He gained an MBA and worked as a university lecturer for four years before starting his own training company 25 years ago.
His course "Project Management Simplified" on LinkedIn Learning is the most viewed project management course in the world, with 2,000 views per day and over a million views in total. His book on Project Management (the QuickStart guide) is available on Amazon. His tip of the month goes out to 20,000 people (subscribe for free at You can also check out his eccentric blog on and follow him on LinkedIn.

Δεν είναι πλέον δυνατή η εγγραφή σε αυτήν την εκδήλωση

Δεν είναι πλέον δυνατή η εγγραφή σε αυτήν την εκδήλωση


Τύπος κατηγορίας: Events

Ημερομηνία: 21 Ιουνίου 2023

Ωρα: 19:00 με 20:00

PDUs: 1.0


Σπουδαστές: Δωρεάν

Μέλη: Δωρεάν

Μη μέλη:Δωρεάν

