Program Management & the Panama Canal Expansion Program

Dear members,


On Tuesday 17 October 2023 at 19:00,  PMI Grecce Chapter will host a virtual event titled “Program Management & the Panama Canal Expansion Program” featuring Rick Robertson as our esteemed speaker.


In this session Rick will speak about the $5.25 billion Panama Canal Expansion Program and how Program Management was leveraged from him who has seen a majority of the program come to fruition. We will have an overview of the Panama Canal, the expansion program, the program management aspects leveraged for delivery along with the challenges and successes. In addition, Rick will briefly highlight his 36-year career working on Major Programs in the engineering and construction industry across numerous countries.


17 October 2023 | 19:00 | 1 PDU

PMI® Greece Chapter 2023


Rick Robertson


Rick holds a Bachelor of Science (1985) and a Master of Science (1987) in Civil Engineering from Oregon State University (USA). Throughout his career at CH2M Hill/Jacobs, he has risen to the position of Senior Program Management Director. Rick's notable roles include a 6-year tenure as Program Manager for the Panama Canal Expansion Program, which spanned almost 12 years in total.

Currently, he serves as the Program Director for the MaceJacobs Joint Venture Program Management Consultant team, supporting the Ellinikon Urban Development program.

His extensive experience extends to major projects in diverse locations like the UAE, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Israel, USA, Panama, Egypt, and Greece. Rick has managed programs involving various geographic locations, intricate multi-components, and diverse emergency disaster relief and humanitarian aid efforts. His expertise spans transportation, water, petroleum, environmental, and land development programs, showcasing impressive international and U.S. project delivery with multicultural teams from planning through commissioning, complemented by robust contracts management skills.

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Δεν είναι πλέον δυνατή η εγγραφή σε αυτήν την εκδήλωση


Τύπος κατηγορίας: Events

Ημερομηνία: 17 Οκτωβρίου 2023

Ωρα: 19:00 με 20:00

PDUs: 1.0


Μέλη: Δωρεάν

Μη μέλη:Δωρεάν
